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Inventory Checklist for Estate Administration

Real Estate (Even if mortgaged. Include all mineral and water rights, long-term leases, and deeded timeshares.)

a. Legal description. (Provide copy of recorded documents, e.g., deed, mineral leases, homestead declaration, and water rights documents.)

b. Type of property and street address (if any), city, county, and state.

c. Assessor’s parcel number from tax bill.

d. Amounts owing on all mortgages, trust deeds, liens, and other encumbrances.

Checking, Savings, and Other Cash Accounts

a. Name of financial institution.

b. Account number.

c. Type of account (checking, savings, etc.)

Securities Accounts

a. Name & address of stockbroker or mutual fund.

b. Account number.

c. Exact name(s) on account.

Securities (Stocks & Bonds for which you hold the actual certificates.)

a. Exact name of company.

b. Certificate number(s).

c. Number of shares for each certificate.

d. Exact name(s) of owner(s).

e. Type (stock, bond, mutual funds, etc.)

Savings Certificates; Bonds & T-Bills

a. Name & address of issuing institution or agency.

b. Number of certificate.

c. Face amount of certificate.

d. Exact name(s) on certificate.

Promissory Notes Receivable

a. Exact name(s) of maker(s).

b. Exact name(s) of payee(s).

c. Original amount of note.

d. Date note was signed.

e. If secured by mortgage or trust deed, include assessor’s parcel number and provide copy of recorded document which shows:

(1) legal description, including county and state; and

(2) recording information, including date, book, page, and document numbers.

Judgments; Amounts Receivable

a. Name and address of debtor.

b. Exact name of Decedent as listed.

c. Date debt established.

d. Purpose and type of debt. (Provide copy of judgment, decree, court order, or other documents.)

Life Insurance Policies (If payable to estate)

a. Name & address of company.

b. Policy number.

c. Name of insured, name of owner.

Vehicles, Boats, Motor Homes; Mobile Homes, etc.

a. Manufacturer/trade name.

b. Year.

c. Serial number.

d. Exact name(s) on title.

Business Interests

a. Name and location of business.

b. Type of entity (partnership, corporation, limited liability company, etc.)

c. Tax status of entity.

d. Description of decedent’s interest (shares, percentage ownership, etc.), including certificate numbers (for stock) or agreement dates (for partnership and limited-liability company interests).

e. Explain any restrictions on transfers of owners’ interests under buy-sell agreements, liens, loan covenants, etc.

Safe-deposit Boxes

a. Name & address of bank or vault company.

b. Box number.

Other Rights & Interests

a. Contracts, such as club memberships, contractual timeshare interests, royalties, etc.

b. Intellectual property (e.g., copyrights, patents, trademarks, etc.)

c. Benefits and rights under existing trusts, including powers of appointment.

d. Aircraft.

e. Collections (antiques, antiquities, art, autographs, coins and currency, comic books, documents, figurines, gems, guns, jewelry, photos, precious metal, sports memorabilia, stamps, trading cards, etc.)


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